The conference

The National Conference MAGNET, promoted by the ‘Italian Magnetism Association’ takes place every two years and it is a unique opportunity to meet researchers and experts and to present and discuss recent developments in the field of magnetism. 

The last edition was Magnet2024 in Milan (official website

Previous editions were held in 

Firenze (2022)
Firenze (2021) – online due to the COVID19 pandemic
Messina (2019)
Assisi (2017)
Bologna (2015)
Napoli (2013)
Torino (2011)
Rome (2009)

AIMagn meeting

During the conference, the AIMagn meeting also takes place.

Best poster award

The Italian Magnetism association (AIMagn) will support a best poster Award during the MAGNET conference. Only students (undergraduate, graduate and PhD students) can apply. 

Roberta Ciprian Award

A Best Presentation Award in memory of Roberta Ciprian is organized for young speakers presenting an oral contribution during MAGNET conference. The prize will be awarded to a young scientist (graduated, PhD students or PhD doctor who accomplished his/her doctorate within the past 5 years) carrying out his/her research in the field of magnetism and magnetic properties of materials. The selection is carried out by a committee appointed by AIMagn president.

AIMagn promotes the crowfunding for financing the award. Payment can be made by bank transfer:

Unicredit Bank
Account owner «Società Italiana di Magnetismo»
IBAN: IT37G0200812710000101395051
Reason of payment: Award in Memory of Roberta Ciprian