The 7th Italian Conference on Magnetism, will be held on-line from February 11th to February 12th, 2021.
The Conference is promoted by the Italian Magnetism Society. The organising committee gathers researchers from chemistry and physics magnetic communities and from the University and CNR, and includes the variety of facets of magnetism in Florence. The Conference is aimed at presenting and discussing recent experimental and theoretical achievements in fundamental magnetism and its applications, bringing together researchers from Universities, public Research Institutions and companies working in the field of magnetism.
Magnet2021 topics include:
- Molecular magnetism
- Theoretical and computational models in magnetism
- Organic Spintronics
- Antiferromagnetic spintronics and spin caloritronics
- Low dimensional magnetism, thin films and multilayers
- Soft and hard magnetic materials
- Nanomagnetism, nanoparticles, and nanostructures
- Superconductivity and magnetism
- Magnetism in medicine
- Multiferroics and multifunctional magnetic materials
- Magnetic refrigeration & low-carbon applications, magnetic recording, sensors
- Advanced measurement techniques
- Magnonics solitons
- New frontiers in magnetism
Important information
Official website: http://www.iccom.cnr.it/magnet2021/
Abstract Submission: December 10th 2020, 11 p.m. (CET), http://www.iccom.cnr.it/magnet2021/abstract-submission/
Contact e-mail address: magnetfirenze2021@gmail.com