IEEE-AIM2023, Moena (Trento), Italy. January 15-18, 2023
IEEE AIM 2023 will be the fourth edition of the international conference Advances in Magnetics, which has as location the Italian Alps during the winter period. Previous IEEE AIM conferences took place in Bormio (2016), La Thuile (2018) and Moena (2021). Moena should have host in June 2021 the summer IEEE AIM edition, but due to pandemic restrictions the conference went online.
For this reason, Moena will at last host in January 2023 the winter IEEE AIM edition, like in Bormio and La Thuile.
IEEE AIM 2023 will represent a forum for presentation and discussion of the most recent advancements in all the fields of magnetics: theory, numerical modelling, experiments and applications.
The event is open to experts and scientists with different backgrounds (engineers, physicists, mathematicians, material scientists, chemists, biologists, etc.) to present, discuss, exchange ideas, methods and results.
Thematic Symposia
Different thematic Symposia are already scheduled:
- Additive Manufacturing of Magnetic Materials
- Antiferromagnetic Spintronics
- Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and Soft-Computing
- Biomagnetism and Biomedical Applications
- Forc-based Identification Techniques
- Magnetic Levitation and Bearings
- Magnetic Materials for Energy Applications
- Magnonics
- Numerical Modeling and Micromagnetics
- Skyrmions
- Spin Torque
- Spintronics-based computing
and others can be suggested to the Scientific Committee by submitting the proposal, prepared according to the template, at e-mail address aim2023@aim2023.com until May 31, 2022.
Important dates
- Technical session proposal: 31 May, 2022
- Abstract submission: 30 June, 2022
- Abstract acceptance: 15 September, 2022
- Early Bird Registration close: 30 October, 2022
Scientific Committee
Conference Chairs
Cinzia Beatrice (INRIM Torino, Italy)
Antonino Laudani (Roma Tre Univ., Italy)
International Steering Committee
Amr Adly (Cairo University, Egypt)
Franca Albertini (IMEM-CNR Parma, Italy)
Ermanno Cardelli (Univ. of Perugia, Italy)
Mario Carpentieri (Politecnico di Bari, Italy)
Giovanni Finocchio (Univ. of Messina, Italy)
Dino Fiorani (ISM-CNR Roma, Italy)
Gianluca Gubbiotti (IOM-CNR Perugia, Italy)
Kay Hameyer (Aachen Univ., Germany)
Eduardo Martinez (Univ. of Salamanca, Spain)
Paola Tiberto (INRIM Torino, Italy)
Organising Committee
Gabriele Maria Lozito (Univ. of Florence, Italy)
Marco Coïsson (INRIM Torino, Italy)
Gabriele Barrera (INRIM Torino, Italy)
Flyer and additional information
Additional information can be found on the conference website: http://www.aim2023.com/
General information: info@aim2023.com
Conference chairs: cinzia.beatrice@aim2023.com, antonino.laudani@aim2023.com